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Your generosity allows us to preserve and enhance our collection, to offer innovative educational programs, and much more.

“Supporting the museum is an act of love for our culture heritage and civilization”.

Why become a donor?

The Poldi Pezzoli Foundation “Onlus” has been recognized as a nonprofit moral entity. Contributions to the institutional activity of the museum are donations aimed at support, protection, promotion and enhancement of its art collections.

Tax benefits


By committing to offer on a regular basis you can support the Museum’s cultural and educational activities and contribute to the conservation, restoration and enhancement of the works housed there.
By donating, you can support one of the many renovation and refurbishment activities of our spaces, to help us to offer a better service to our visitors. It is possible to dedicate to the donor the supported intervention or restoration .

There are several ways to support the Museum: you can help us enriching the collection, giving your time, with the 5 x mille, or contributing with a liberal donation.


Maurizio Delsale | e: delsale@ | t: +39 02 45473809
Conservatorship department | e: ufficioconservatori@ | t: +39 02 45473806

San Francesco raccoglie il sangue di Cristo
Carlo Crivelli
Autoritratto in un gruppo di amici

Poldi Pezzoli
The collection

Reasons to visit the Poldi Pezzoli Museum

because it is a house-museum that in its historical rooms has preserved the charm of a 19th century residence.
to know a great Milanese art collector.
for the wide range of its collections, from Archaeology to the 19th century.
to admire masterpieces by painters as Pollaiuolo, Mantegna, Botticelli, Raffaello, Piero della Francesca, Tiepolo, Canaletto, Hayez
for the amazing collections of sundials and clocks, Murano glass, Meissen porcelain.
to discover a palace overlooking a beautiful hidden garden, and a romantic Orangerie.

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