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Portrait of Martin Luther

bottega di Lucas Cranach il Vecchio , ca. 1529

Ritratto di Martin Lutero

The Portrait of Martin Luther is on show next to the Portrait of Katharina von Bora (inv. 1035), his wife; the two panels, set in a single frame, formed a dipthyc, that could be transported, almost as a devotional object.
The German reformer, father of Protestantism, is depicted half-bust against a blue background. He is wearing a black dress and a cap that lets slip some locks of his curly hair, he has thin lips, a prominent nose, and lines marking his eyes.
His wife Katharina, a former Cistercian nun, looks also austere, wearing a black-edged white shirt, a laced bodice and an overcoat with a fur collar. The presence of the two spouses, one next to the other, reminds that Protestantism abolished the celibacy for priests.
The two works come from the workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder, a prominent German painter and printmaker of the early 16th century and court painter of the Elector of Saxony. Cranach was a close friend of Luther and a promoter of the new religion; actually, the image of Luther became very popular thanks to portraits like this one, produced in series in numerous copies by his extremely active workshop.
The date 1529 is visible in the painting, on the left, together with a winged dragon, used by the artist as his signature.
The portraits show two Latin quotations from the Bible: on Luther’s, IN SILENCIO ET SPE ERIT FORTITUDO VESTRA (In quietness and trust shall be your strength) from Isaiah (30:15); on his wife’s, SALVABITUR PER FILIORUM GENERACIONEM (She shall be saved through childbearing), from the first Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Timothy (2,15).

Data Sheet


Workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder


ca. 1529

Material and technique

Oil on panel


38.3 cm x 24 cm


Gian Giacomo Poldi Pezzoli bequest, 1879

Inventory number

Foreign Artists Room

The room, originally part of the antechamber, houses works by foreign masters from the Poldi Pezzoli collection. Among the paintings on display is the famous diptych with portraits of Martin Luther and his wife Katharina von Bora, painted by German Renaissance master Lucas Cranach the Elder. The original ceiling decorations and furnishings, the work of carver Giuseppe Ripamonti, have unfortunately been lost.


The Museum hosts over 300 paintings. Among them, many Italian works from the Renaissance: masterpieces from Tuscany (Botticelli, Piero della Francesca, Pollaiuolo), Lombardy (Luini, Boltraffio, Solario) and Veneto (Bellini, Mantegna). Important is also the group of 18th century Italian painting (Guardi, Canaletto, Tiepolo, Fra Galgario). In the collection, there are mainly portraits and small size paintings.

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